Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Front Pages of World

What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? 
My favorite newspaper front page is in Europe, mostly because they have more pictures to look at an catch's your attention more and has little descriptions on each side of the pictures.

What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? 
My favorite headline is Gripna I Kaoset I Natt, this because of the picture that interests me their is lots of fire and lots of ambulance and I am curious of what happened and what that title means. 

How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? 
Their 5 stories in the front cover and my favorite is Gripna I Kaoset I Natt.

What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc.
They all have very big pictures and some sort of disaster is happening either involving someone or many places. There isn't lots of text in the cover pages and they all have sort of the same design/format of newspaper. 

What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc.
Some front pages have lots of text and only 2 or 3 pictures only, they have different formats of newspaper mostly involving texts. The headlines are same don't really catch much of the viewers attention like the others do. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Student of the Month

Student of the Month

  1. What's your name? Robert
  2. What sports are in interested in? Soccer
  3. What academy are you in? Stem
  4. What is your favorite subject? Why? Math because its easy
  5. Have you helped your school in any way? When? Volunteers after school 
  6. Do you help your peers? Yes, tutoring
  7. What do you do on your free time? Play soccer
  8. Do you enjoy helping others? Why? Yes, because it feels good 
  9. Are you involved in any activities? Which ones? No
  10. How are your grades? Good
  11. Do get alone well with others? If not why? Yes
  12. Do you plan on going to college? Which one? Yes, Texas State
  13. Do you have a job? No
  14. Is being student of the month important? Yes
  15. Did you expect being student of the month? Why? No, because nobody compliments him 
  16. Is school your main priority? Yes 
  17. Do you come to school everyday? Yes
  18. Do you participate well in classes? Yes 
  19. What grade are you in? 11th 
  20. How do you feel being student of the month? Feels proud 

School Uniforms Interview Questions & Answers

Topic: School Uniforms


  • Several students from different grade levels, faculty, and a volunteer from the school for several years.
  1. How do you feel about school uniforms?
  2. Would be comfortable wearing them all day? Why?
  3. Do you think it will affect your learning some way?
  4. Who would you go talk to about this situation if you disagree?
  5. Would this make you focus more in school? Why?
  6. If you had a school uniform would you put your special touch to it?
  7. Do your classmates think the same way as you?
  8. Would you think of a better uniform for the school? How will it be?
  9. How would you stop getting uniforms, if you're against it?
  10. Would you ever consider moving school's if you get a uniform?
  11. Would you obey the school uniform? Why?
  12. Will your parents interfere with the decision of the school? Why?
  13.  How will a uniform help out the school?
  14.  How did this idea come up? Who suggested it?
  15. Will this prevent problems? Why or Why not?
  16. Would each grade levels uniform be different? Why?
  17. When would this policy be enforced?
  18. Would you ask for any opinions to come up with a uniform?
  19. Who will be in charge of making up the uniform?
  20. What will be the consequences if students don't obey the uniform? 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Newspaper Notes

Notes on newspaper

Tabloid newspaper
   refers to the size of the newspaper
   usually smaller than an 8.5 by 11
   could have 1 or no stories on the front sheet

News magazine
   has glossy cover
   has color on the outside and sometimes inside
   has nothing but a photo or graphic on the front sheet

   usually 11 by 8.5
   3-5 stories on front sheet

Things our paper has that is important

  • 4 stories
  • big newspaper name
  • website
  • subtitles
  • dominant photo
  • no release date
  • headline subhead line as well
  • table of content/index
  • lin in between stores
  • boxes
  • captions
  • kickers (kicks off story)
  • flag/folio

 a. name of paper
 b. name of school
 c. date
 d. volume and issue number
 e. city and state
 f. website
 g. phone number
 h. picture
 i. teaser ( tells the audience where to find thing)

  • caption headlines
  • stories

Parts to captions:

  • headline
  • the caption
  • who took the picture

  • every story should have a byline(name and title of the writer, should be below headline)

  • Jump (where the story jumps from the front page to another page, has to have a place to direct you where to go)
  • story divider lines

  • Screens (Principle's message) should have key lines around text and photos

  • Info graphics

Mast head:

  •  editor in chief
  • managing and in depth editor
  • opinions editor
  • assistant opinions editor
  • student life editor
  • entertainment editor
  • sports editor
  • photo editor
  • on line editor
  • advisor 
  • staff box
  • editorial policy
  • organizations & awards 

Monday, April 15, 2013

SLO final review

Sad Hungry Dog

Christian the hound dog is drooling over the food his chef is about to make. He was starving since last night because his chef didn't want to feed him because it was to late and had to wait until now to begin to eat.

Lens & Photography Vocabulary

  • I would use a telephoto lens to take pictures in the night in a football game not that far away since it looks close and i wouldn't zoom because it will look less realistic.
  • I would use a prime lens to take a picture of my subject that is near me since their is so zoom. 
  • I would use a wide-angle lens to capture an environment or something large in order to get the complete scene. 

  • Depth of Field (shallow and wide)- Depth of field is a characteristic of a camera that can be used to enhance the image composition of the photo. The depth of field is used to focus on pictures more closely on the subject rather than the sharp edges around it. 
  • Light (angle and intensity)-measures of light are commonly known as intensity. This lens are used when their is good enough light because if it's dark the subject won't be seen that clearly. 
  • Shadows 
    absences of light, opposite of light , they impact photography you need to be aware of them.  Are good to use in dark subjects because it will be able to capture the subject in dim lights. 
  • Exposure- 
    The state of being exposed to contact with something. 
  • Aperture (f-stop)- 
    is the diaphragm in your camera that widens and narrows to determine depth of field.
  • Shutter speed- 
    In photography, shutter speed is a common term used to discuss exposure time, the effective length of time a camera's shutter is open.
  • ISO-
     measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

7 News Value

Timeliness  -- the newness of the facts.
Proximity – the nearness of a given event to your place of publication.
Prominence – the “newsworthiness” of an individual, organization or place.
Impact – the effect or consequence of an event on the audience.
Conflict – the meeting of two or more opposing forces. These forces can be physical, emotional or philosophical.
Human Interest – the drama the surrounds people involved in an emotional struggle.
Novelty – the attraction people have to unusual things and events.

Article # 1

1. Proximity
2. Proximity is when an article is given a place of the incident and you see how close it is to you. This article was posted up last night, and in the article it was specific on the time it happened and what part of austin it had happened in.
3. Person killed by train in South Austin

Article # 2

1. Conflict
2. This article is conflict because it involves 3 men a young man killed 2 men the same night but in different locations. This is a physical conflict because it involved a person and had fatalities.
3. The Blotter: East Austin Shooting Victim ID'd; gunman sought

Article # 3

1. Impact
2. This article is an impact not only to certain people but to the whole United States because some of their's life is in danger if North Korea launches the bomb.
3. U.S and South Korea Put Forces on Alert for Missile Test by North

Article # 4

1. Human Interest
2. This article is human interest because this might happened to you if you have little kids. You always need to check before behind your car before you pull of you never know what will happened you might even kill your own baby.
3. Rear-view cameras could have saved tot, Iowa mom says

Article # 5

1. Timeliness
2. This article is timeliness because it describes that the incident happened last week on thursday and this information of the case was published today exactly a week later. This shows that this case didn't take long to know sufficient information for the public who is interested in what happened in the east side of austin.
3. Law enforcement officials bust two major Austin drug rings

Article # 6

1. Prominence
2. This article is prominence because it is talking about the holocaust that happened many years ago it is important to everyone because it demonstrates how mean and cruel a person can be and not to repeat the same story again. This article is explaining how they are finally going to court because their are still people alive that were involved in the holocaust.
3. Nearly 70 Years Later, a New Round of Auschwitz Prosecutions

Article # 7

1. Novelty
2. This article is novelty because it catches the readers attention because a man cut both of his arms off in home depot that's just crazy!
3. Man slices arms with saws at Calif. Home Depot

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Five Websites

Lens Flare

  • In this website I looked at several pictures they all had a flare in some part of the picture. Mostly every picture has a very bright background that makes the subject of the picture stand out. There is some pictures that are dark but still have some what of flare in it and still makes the subject of the picture stand out. 
  • I learned that even if your background is dark you can still get a flare and a good picture of the subject you wanted to see and still be clear even if its dark. 
  • I picked this picture because I like how the buildings has a flare from both sides and how everything is so bright with a lot of lights.
  • I see the rule lines, framing, rule of thirds, balance, and background. 
  • Paul (Dex) took this picture. 
B&W Landscapes 

  • The pictures I saw in this website are very interesting they're all outside in some sort of storm of different types of weather. All of this images are black and white but they still show the main subject of the picture and manage to grab your attention. Each picture also is in a different landscape like a desert, rain forest, or mountains. 
  • I learned that you can get really good pictures even if the weather is horrible or if its raining or snowing you can still mange to get a pretty good picture. 
  • I picked this picture because it grabbed my attention on how the person can get a view of the mountains with a pattern of the fog.
  • I see the rules framing, background, and viewpoints.
  • Joe Azure took this picture. 
Image Stacking

  • This website didn't really have a lot of pictures but this one was the one that caught my attention the most. While looking at this website i concentrated on the details of each picture. 
  • I never knew that a picture can look like the water has lines threw it since when water flows done it goes by really fast.
  • I picked this picture because of how the water looks like and how the water looks like it has stripes.
  • This picture has the rules lines and framing.
  • Doesn't say

  • On this website their were pictures of storms or clouds that looked like a storm was about to happen. While looking at these pictures I concentrated on the one's i would have liked to take.
  • I learned that you can get a picture of clouds touching hills.
  • I picked this picture because I've never seen a picture like this with clouds touching the hills it looks really pretty.
  • The rules I see are framing, background and balance.
  • Axel Kuhlmann 


  • The website i was one was all about storms and how they look during or before a store. When I was looking at these pictures i was looking for ones that look ironic or impossible.
  • I learned that you can get a picture of a storm and clouds at the same time in the same picture.
  • I picked this picture because I thought this could never happen be raining on one side and in the other its sunny and seeing it in picture looks pretty amazing.
  • The rules i see are framing, background, and rule of thirds.
  • Michael King


Self Portrait

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Magazine Part II

Cover Types
Early Magazine Cover: The attributes in the early magazine covers include old fashion hand writing and old looking paper. Pictures from the topic you're talking about and even maybe stains on the cover of the magazine to make it look like its old. Also may include logos they had or advertisements that were used back then.
Poster Cover: For the poster cover pictures the only thing included is the title and a picture. This is known as the pictures with no words just a picture illustrating mainly what the magazine is about. Although some might have little captions around the pictures but the picture is more noticeable.
Pictures Married to Type: This pictures reason is to combine to subjects and make them to have a relationship in some sort of way like music and politics together. To do this they put little comments off to the side but with different subjects and then add a lady in the background that has something to do with the subjects.
In the Forest of Words: This pictures include a picture of two people and vivid colors. In this types of covers are many captions or little summarize on the side and a portrait of one or two people to be in it. The intention of this cover is to have something pop out and catch the readers' eye to get that magazine and read it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Best Covers

1. Formal
2.  Environmental
3. Formal
4. Environmental
5.  Informal
6.  Informal
7.  Informal
8. Formal
9. Informal
10. Formal
11. Formal
12. Formal
13. Formal
14. Environmental
15. Environmental
16. Formal
17. Formal

My Favorite
For W's biggest fashion issue of the year, the magazine celebrated the ways women today transform themselves by showcasing actress Kristen Stewart as readers had never seen her before. Photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot transformed the 21-year-old cover model from the Twilight teenager that audiences know best into the glamorous, grown-up vixen she's becoming. "Vampires are a little dangerous—and we girls like to test ourselves," Stewart says playfully on the cover, tempting readers to pick up the issue and see for 


Magazine Tips

1. What your picture shows and how you show it

2. Leave picture alone

3. Experiment with it 

4. Know your audience

5. Image Appeal 

Photoshop Notes


Nestle- tools are stacked on each other- you access those tools you have to left click and hold.

Use Command Keys

Command + = zoom in
Command - = zoom out
Command o = open
Command c = copy
Command v = paste
****Command z = step back
Command s = save
 Command p = print

To turn an image go to
>Image>Image Rotation
CW and CCW
CW= clockwise
CCW – counter – clockwise
180= ½ rotation

Channel Blue
Channel Green
Channel Red
Moved just the black and white hersheys kiss
Channel RGB – moved just the brown hersheys (just a little lighter)


Rename your image make sure the image is saved as a .jpg at the highest (maximum) image quality

Always crop to 300
Resolution – for now do not crop selectively – crop the entire image

SAVE – you do not have to rename the image at this point. Save the often and regularly.

Close the image. 

triangle, green, backpack adjs

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rules of photography and caption review

Caption #1

who- President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama
what- hugging each other, caressing, embrace
where- airport, Washington D.C Kennedy International airport, on the tarmac by the airplane
when- Monday, November 17th at 11 a.m
why- they hadn't seen each other in three weeks because President Obama was campaigning to get reelected as president of the United States
background- President Obama tripped and fell on his way into the airport and hit his head hard enough that the medical team had to come out and help him.

sentence #1 President Barack Obama embraces his wife Michelle at the Kennedy International Airport after returning home from a trip to Ohio where he was campaigning for re-election on Sunday afternoon.

sentence #2 The President, while on his way to the terminal, stumbled and fell requiring medical attention for a cut on his left cheek.

Caption Head- Tripping his way to the Presidency

Caption #2

who- South Korean singer Psy
what- Giving a concert
where- In South Korea stadium 
when- On a Saturday afternoon December 12, 2012
why-  He is a famous singer and wants to give a last show of the year
background- Singer Psy falls off the crane and goes straight down to were his fans get ready to catch him and kiss him but the fans don't catch him on time and he breaks he's arm.

sentence #1 Famous singer Psy performs in South Korea stadium for his fans to give his last show of the year. 
sentence #2 While Psy is getting on the crane, he gets into his singing and lets go of the crane and falls off but luckily his fans catch him but not soon enough and he gets a fractured arm. 

Caption Head-  Psy fall from the crane but is saved by fans 

Caption #3  Picture Number 8

who- David Anthony
what- He is playing volleyball and is angry 
where- in california staples center
when- on a sunday afternoon on June 5, 2012
why- he is playing in a league for disabled people and is participating 
background- he is angry because the refry is yelling at him for having his hair died blue an is arguing how its not fair because its not on the rules. 
sentence #1 David Anthony is playing volleyball in a disabled league, but apparently has broken a rule and is arguing with the refry.
sentence #2 Before David Anthony played in his league he decided to go dye his mohawk blue because he wanted to look better but ended up getting into an argument during his game. 
Caption Head-  The Incident with a Volleyball Player & His Hair 

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)-  Big opening shallow depth of field; small opening wide depth of field 

Light (angle and intensity)- angle and intensity of light is what matters and effects the appearance of the photo. Plays a huge role of how pictures look.  

Shadows- the absence of light 

Diffusion- to soften or scatter light in different directions. 

Exposure- weather picture is light dark or somewhere in the middle. 

Aperture (f-stop)- is in the lens and how big or small the opening is in the lens and you can control it.

Shutter speed- is inside of the body of the camera and this controls how long its open and closed. How long your letting light in.

ISO- inside the camera. How sensitive the sensor is light. When ISO increases, increases the grain.  

Types of lenses- telephoto (zoom in & get closer to subject), prime (do not zoom at all), wide angle (take a wide angle picture) 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Best of 2012

This is one of my favorite pictures I looked at because I never knew a city can be shaped like this.
I really like this picture because the singer actually got the secretary to do the dance he does its pretty funny but cool.
This is my favorite picture because I love swimming and this pool looks really cool to swim in and I like how the picture is token. 
Favorite Song
My favorite song is One Thing by One Direction. This is my favorite song because I love One Direction and i can connect with this song. This song attracted me because well its One Direction and I like them. I think they sing really good but this is their best song that they sing.

Favorite Movie
This is my favorite movie because it very interesting first of all and i like all the action in it. Also because Taylor Lautner is in it and he acts really good. I had also seen all the movies before this one and was interested in what was going to happen next. 
Important Story

This is the most important story the Connecticut shooting in the elementary. This is the most important to me because it shows everybody that its not save anymore and that a tragedy can happen anytime. This is also a new way to figure out that their should be more security at school for the children's sake. 

Important Person
I think Obama is the most important person of the year because he is the president and is important to many people. He also has done a lot of things that he has accomplished for this year. 

Biggest Entertainment of the Year
The biggest entertainment of the year was everybody saying the world was going to end since it didn't end everybody can stop saying that. 

My Holiday 
1. I went to six flags before New Years on the day were it was the coldest worst thing ever I got very sick but it was fun. 
2. My resolution is to get better grades and stop being tardy.
3. For it to be summer and i can travel and visit family.