Thursday, April 11, 2013

7 News Value

Timeliness  -- the newness of the facts.
Proximity – the nearness of a given event to your place of publication.
Prominence – the “newsworthiness” of an individual, organization or place.
Impact – the effect or consequence of an event on the audience.
Conflict – the meeting of two or more opposing forces. These forces can be physical, emotional or philosophical.
Human Interest – the drama the surrounds people involved in an emotional struggle.
Novelty – the attraction people have to unusual things and events.

Article # 1

1. Proximity
2. Proximity is when an article is given a place of the incident and you see how close it is to you. This article was posted up last night, and in the article it was specific on the time it happened and what part of austin it had happened in.
3. Person killed by train in South Austin

Article # 2

1. Conflict
2. This article is conflict because it involves 3 men a young man killed 2 men the same night but in different locations. This is a physical conflict because it involved a person and had fatalities.
3. The Blotter: East Austin Shooting Victim ID'd; gunman sought

Article # 3

1. Impact
2. This article is an impact not only to certain people but to the whole United States because some of their's life is in danger if North Korea launches the bomb.
3. U.S and South Korea Put Forces on Alert for Missile Test by North

Article # 4

1. Human Interest
2. This article is human interest because this might happened to you if you have little kids. You always need to check before behind your car before you pull of you never know what will happened you might even kill your own baby.
3. Rear-view cameras could have saved tot, Iowa mom says

Article # 5

1. Timeliness
2. This article is timeliness because it describes that the incident happened last week on thursday and this information of the case was published today exactly a week later. This shows that this case didn't take long to know sufficient information for the public who is interested in what happened in the east side of austin.
3. Law enforcement officials bust two major Austin drug rings

Article # 6

1. Prominence
2. This article is prominence because it is talking about the holocaust that happened many years ago it is important to everyone because it demonstrates how mean and cruel a person can be and not to repeat the same story again. This article is explaining how they are finally going to court because their are still people alive that were involved in the holocaust.
3. Nearly 70 Years Later, a New Round of Auschwitz Prosecutions

Article # 7

1. Novelty
2. This article is novelty because it catches the readers attention because a man cut both of his arms off in home depot that's just crazy!
3. Man slices arms with saws at Calif. Home Depot

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