Thursday, April 25, 2013

Newspaper Notes

Notes on newspaper

Tabloid newspaper
   refers to the size of the newspaper
   usually smaller than an 8.5 by 11
   could have 1 or no stories on the front sheet

News magazine
   has glossy cover
   has color on the outside and sometimes inside
   has nothing but a photo or graphic on the front sheet

   usually 11 by 8.5
   3-5 stories on front sheet

Things our paper has that is important

  • 4 stories
  • big newspaper name
  • website
  • subtitles
  • dominant photo
  • no release date
  • headline subhead line as well
  • table of content/index
  • lin in between stores
  • boxes
  • captions
  • kickers (kicks off story)
  • flag/folio

 a. name of paper
 b. name of school
 c. date
 d. volume and issue number
 e. city and state
 f. website
 g. phone number
 h. picture
 i. teaser ( tells the audience where to find thing)

  • caption headlines
  • stories

Parts to captions:

  • headline
  • the caption
  • who took the picture

  • every story should have a byline(name and title of the writer, should be below headline)

  • Jump (where the story jumps from the front page to another page, has to have a place to direct you where to go)
  • story divider lines

  • Screens (Principle's message) should have key lines around text and photos

  • Info graphics

Mast head:

  •  editor in chief
  • managing and in depth editor
  • opinions editor
  • assistant opinions editor
  • student life editor
  • entertainment editor
  • sports editor
  • photo editor
  • on line editor
  • advisor 
  • staff box
  • editorial policy
  • organizations & awards 

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