Monday, April 15, 2013

Lens & Photography Vocabulary

  • I would use a telephoto lens to take pictures in the night in a football game not that far away since it looks close and i wouldn't zoom because it will look less realistic.
  • I would use a prime lens to take a picture of my subject that is near me since their is so zoom. 
  • I would use a wide-angle lens to capture an environment or something large in order to get the complete scene. 

  • Depth of Field (shallow and wide)- Depth of field is a characteristic of a camera that can be used to enhance the image composition of the photo. The depth of field is used to focus on pictures more closely on the subject rather than the sharp edges around it. 
  • Light (angle and intensity)-measures of light are commonly known as intensity. This lens are used when their is good enough light because if it's dark the subject won't be seen that clearly. 
  • Shadows 
    absences of light, opposite of light , they impact photography you need to be aware of them.  Are good to use in dark subjects because it will be able to capture the subject in dim lights. 
  • Exposure- 
    The state of being exposed to contact with something. 
  • Aperture (f-stop)- 
    is the diaphragm in your camera that widens and narrows to determine depth of field.
  • Shutter speed- 
    In photography, shutter speed is a common term used to discuss exposure time, the effective length of time a camera's shutter is open.
  • ISO-
     measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.

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