Monday, January 7, 2013

Best of 2012

This is one of my favorite pictures I looked at because I never knew a city can be shaped like this.
I really like this picture because the singer actually got the secretary to do the dance he does its pretty funny but cool.
This is my favorite picture because I love swimming and this pool looks really cool to swim in and I like how the picture is token. 
Favorite Song
My favorite song is One Thing by One Direction. This is my favorite song because I love One Direction and i can connect with this song. This song attracted me because well its One Direction and I like them. I think they sing really good but this is their best song that they sing.

Favorite Movie
This is my favorite movie because it very interesting first of all and i like all the action in it. Also because Taylor Lautner is in it and he acts really good. I had also seen all the movies before this one and was interested in what was going to happen next. 
Important Story

This is the most important story the Connecticut shooting in the elementary. This is the most important to me because it shows everybody that its not save anymore and that a tragedy can happen anytime. This is also a new way to figure out that their should be more security at school for the children's sake. 

Important Person
I think Obama is the most important person of the year because he is the president and is important to many people. He also has done a lot of things that he has accomplished for this year. 

Biggest Entertainment of the Year
The biggest entertainment of the year was everybody saying the world was going to end since it didn't end everybody can stop saying that. 

My Holiday 
1. I went to six flags before New Years on the day were it was the coldest worst thing ever I got very sick but it was fun. 
2. My resolution is to get better grades and stop being tardy.
3. For it to be summer and i can travel and visit family. 

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