Monday, May 13, 2013

Student of the Month

Student of the Month

  1. What's your name? Robert
  2. What sports are in interested in? Soccer
  3. What academy are you in? Stem
  4. What is your favorite subject? Why? Math because its easy
  5. Have you helped your school in any way? When? Volunteers after school 
  6. Do you help your peers? Yes, tutoring
  7. What do you do on your free time? Play soccer
  8. Do you enjoy helping others? Why? Yes, because it feels good 
  9. Are you involved in any activities? Which ones? No
  10. How are your grades? Good
  11. Do get alone well with others? If not why? Yes
  12. Do you plan on going to college? Which one? Yes, Texas State
  13. Do you have a job? No
  14. Is being student of the month important? Yes
  15. Did you expect being student of the month? Why? No, because nobody compliments him 
  16. Is school your main priority? Yes 
  17. Do you come to school everyday? Yes
  18. Do you participate well in classes? Yes 
  19. What grade are you in? 11th 
  20. How do you feel being student of the month? Feels proud 

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