Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Magazine Part II

Cover Types
Early Magazine Cover: The attributes in the early magazine covers include old fashion hand writing and old looking paper. Pictures from the topic you're talking about and even maybe stains on the cover of the magazine to make it look like its old. Also may include logos they had or advertisements that were used back then.
Poster Cover: For the poster cover pictures the only thing included is the title and a picture. This is known as the pictures with no words just a picture illustrating mainly what the magazine is about. Although some might have little captions around the pictures but the picture is more noticeable.
Pictures Married to Type: This pictures reason is to combine to subjects and make them to have a relationship in some sort of way like music and politics together. To do this they put little comments off to the side but with different subjects and then add a lady in the background that has something to do with the subjects.
In the Forest of Words: This pictures include a picture of two people and vivid colors. In this types of covers are many captions or little summarize on the side and a portrait of one or two people to be in it. The intention of this cover is to have something pop out and catch the readers' eye to get that magazine and read it.

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