Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO

aperture setting F2.8


1. What part of the body should we closely relate aperture?
Get a look at the picture. 
2. Finish this sentence - the smaller the Aperture _____the_lower_______, the higher the Aperture _______gets lower _________.
3. In your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field?
Is were the area of the image appears sharp

Shutter Speed

Reasonable Light
a.) the dunking booth- 1/2000
b.) the food eating contest- 1/250
c.) the rock climbing wall-1/250
d.) someone working at a booth-1/250
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle-1/125
f.) the Diamonds performance-1/4000

Gotten Dark
a.) the dunking booth-1/1000

b.) the food eating contest-1/500
c.) the rock climbing wall-1/125
d.) someone working at a booth-1/125
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle-1/125
f.) the Diamonds performance-1/2000


  1. You can take advantage of higher ISO during night sporting event, because the higher the ISO, the more sensitive it is toward lights.
  2. Using low ISO is best when you want to retain the best quality of a picture, when there's good lightning.
  3. ISO should be increased when there is not enough lightning to be able to quickly capture an image.
  •    Sim Cam
    • F2.8 looks best at 1/125th of a second shutter speed. There is no background visible because its very blurry.
    • F4 looks best at 1/125th of a second shutter speed. The background is not visible still but you can see a little bit of the dark windows.
    • F5.6 looks best at 1/60th of a second. The background still isn't very visible but you are able to see the color of the walls of the background mixing up.
    • F8 looks best at 1/60th of a second. The background is visible at some point because you can tell that it's a building behind them.
    • F11 looks best at 1/60th of a second. Background is visible at some point where its just a background while the couple is the main subject.
    • F16 looks best at 1/30th of a second. The background looks really great at this aperture because you can mostly see it but the couple still stands out.
    • The slower the shutter speed is, the more blurry the couple is. To combat this problem you can change the aperture. 
    • ISO or the aperture to match with the selected shutter speed. The lowest shutter speed the photographer can hold the camera is right at the best list of speed I listed above under the circumstances of different aperture.

    Lytro Warm-Up & Ethics in Fashion Photography

    Lytro Warm-Up

    1. When i clicked on the image i saw that the part of the picture i clicked got clear but the background was into a blur.
    2. They use multiple lens to make them 3D.
    3. I think the photographer has to know the different rules of photography and how to use the lens.
    4. Some pictures are worth money to the photographer if they know how to make use of them.

    1. The eyes get bigger, shoulders get fixed, neck gets pulled up, lips get bigger, and face gets thinner.
    2. No, because people should see the person how they actually look like not by editing it on the computer its like showing them someone different someone fake.
    3. Yes it is its wrong changing a whole person's appearance.
    4. Some changes that are okay are smudges and red eyes. The things that aren't okay are changing their whole face image like they did in the video.
    5. Fashion Photography is the art of taking pictures and photojournalism is the practice of communicating news by photography.
    6. They change up the picture and make it seem like they want it to be.

    Self Portrait & Portraits Part II & Rules of Photography Part II


    1. Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.
    2. If you can, hook up your camera directly to your computer (or, for extra-fancy bonus points, your TV) so you can see your pictures come up as you take ‘em. It’s a lot easier to iterate and to make gradual improvements to your photos that way.
    Environmental Portrait 
    I liked how their is two couples dancing but the camera only focused on one couple but still had the other dance partner in the background. I picked this picture because I like dancing and how you can actually feel the tension of the dance by just looking at the photograph. 

    I like how the camera man got the chef doing his job and he's minding he's own business and not even feel bothered by the camera. I picked this picture I really like cooking and like how he's concentrated on his work. 
    Photography Self Portrait 
    I like how the photographer used his imagination to take this picture it looks really neat. I picked this picture because it shows the main point of the picture and I like the how he used ah rule of photography.

    I like how the photographer put the camera and took two pictures one upside down and one normal side its pretty neat. I picked this picture because it I think it looks pretty cool and its a picture of himself but in different dimensions. 
    Casual Portrait 
    I like how this girl is still concentrated on what she's doing and isn't look at the camera. I picked this picture because it looks casual in the background looks like its spring and looks causal because of how she has her hair done and how she's fixed.

    I like how the dad is making his little girl laugh and is in a good environment of taking a picture. I picked this picture because the baby and the dad look dresses very causal how the picture is suppose to be.

    I am probably gonna shoot my family and friends while i do that I'm going to take pictures of the rules of photography only. I will probably take pictures at a park or a nice house something with an interesting background. 

    Rules of Photography Part II
    1. Rule of Thirds 
    2. Balancing Elements 

    3. Leading Lines

    4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)

    5. Viewpoint

    6. Background

    7. Create depth

    8. Framing

    9. Cropping

    10. Mergers and avoiding them

    Wednesday, November 28, 2012

    American Soldier Slideshow & Captions

    A.  This is a powerful picture because it shows how a little boy knows about violence so young. They say he didn't learn this on Tv but outside of his house because he can see his country fighting. 

    • Since # 1 to # 7
    • Since # 10 to # 28 
    • Since # 50 to # 71
    • Since # 79 to # 83 
    I think the most powerful set of pictures were when he was in Iraq the pictures #50-71 because it showed his life in Iraq and the things they say along.
    C.   This images work together to show a story because they begin from the beginning of his journey to be in the army to when he's done with his time for the army.

    A. They write the verbs in past tense form.
    B. The captions enhance the pictures because they describe what is happening during the picture and a little before. 

    A.  Photo 3 
    This young man Manny went to go write his self up to the armed forces career center in his hometown Houston, Texas. 

    Photo 5
    Manny is spending quality time with his father before he leaves to the army knowing anything can happen.

    Photo 12
    Manny is getting his hair shaved off thinking his going to look even better after he gets his hair cut off. 


    A. They make it clear on what the photo is  

    B. The videos show more details and make us understand the situation better than pictures would.

    C. Photos take up less time and explain what's happening by the caption and videos takes up more time since it has people talking. 

    Monday, October 29, 2012

    Abandoned Theme Parks

    1.) The amusement park i would like to go is Takakanonuma Green Land, Hobara, Japan.

    Thursday, October 25, 2012

    Funny Captions

    This is baby John he was really bored and is being bothered because his teeth are growing and got the first thing to bite on. This is when John was a little baby he was in his backyard with he's brand new baby kitty. 

    This is a very nice sign from the forest because they don't appreciate the chipmunks smoking affecting the trees. If this issue keeps going on the trees will no longer help you breath but affect your lungs because of the smoking.

    This lady Bertha was such in a rush but gas and to get out of the gas station such in a rush that she even took the handle of the gas pump. The police man wasn't very pleased with this even though the securities from behind found it very funny taking pictures. 

    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    Great Black & White Photographers Part 3

    1.  Bill Brandt-  The first thing that caught my eye was how he decides to take pictures of neighborhoods and ordinary people in ordinary places and he's pictures are quit interesting like if their was a story behind it and that's why I picked this pictures. 

    2.  Window in Osborn Street-    

    • I see a poor neighborhood and kids on the street hiding from something. I see the fear of young kids eyes and on how they walk. 
    • I smell the chimney's dust it throughs out and the fresh food out of the stores around the neighborhood. 
    • I hear the strong wind blowing pass my ears and the laugh of young children while they pass by me, guns shots that were shot far away.
    • I taste the dry dirt as it flies across me and taste the warm hot chocolate they give me as I walk around the neighborhood.
    • I feel very insecure and scared with what I'm surrounded with but yet feel so happy because of how happy the kids are even though their in danger.

    Dylan Thomas- 

    • I see lots of people at a bar but one that looks very well and cleaned up with two beers on he's side and is very distracted.
      I smell alcohol all over the place but yet some very fresh colon from the young men walking into the bar.
      I hear lots of mens laugh and some glass clacking and breaking all around me but yet lots of laughs.
      I taste the nasty taste in the air that all around me its so disgusting but yet I keep tasting it.
      I feel unsafe with this alcoholics all around me I feel like there going to harm me or fight me.

      3. I would like to create posters and show he's great work and how unique his pictures are but yet their very well taken. If people really like he's  work we can probably make a blog about him.

    Friday, October 19, 2012

    Academic Shoot Reflection

    1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos following the rules I set out for you? 
    A lot of students would get distracted and stop doing their work and you couldn't take the picture of what you wanted because it showed the rule.
    2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.
    I found myself thinking about holding the camera right and following the rules of photography, I hold the camera correctly and took cameras at a good angle and followed the rules.
    3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?
    I would look for rules more closely and they would probably pop out more since I know how they look like and it will be easier.
    4. What things would you do the same?
    I would have done token the same pictures just with more details with the rules.
    5. When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve?
    The rule that would be easiest to complete would probably be framing because its a simply rule to take a picture like if it was going on a picture frame.
    6. Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture?
    The hardest rule would be the rule of thirds because it is hard to capture the subject and two things behind in the background.
    7. What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is?
    The rule I'm not totally clear on is balance and what I can do to figure out what the rule is to go back and look at the balance rule. 

    Academic Shoot

    1. I followed the rule pretty well I'm focused on the subject and have a simply background.
    2. The subject is the person reading in a library.
    3. Yes the subject is pretty clear because it's the first thing you see and their isn't a distracted background.
    4. I followed the rule. 

    The Rule of Thirds

    1. I didn't really follow the rule very well because you can't see very much of the background.
    2. The subject is four girls doing their work.
    3. The subject is pretty clear because that's all you can see and cannot really see the background.
    4. I didn't really follow the rule, I should have token the picture a little farther away to get the subject and two things in the background so it can be the rule of thirds.


    1. I followed it pretty well because my subject that has lines.
    2. The subject is the girls shirt with lines.
    3. The rule is pretty clear because the strips on the girl's shirt are very noticeable and the desk she is leaning on has some lines too.
    4. I followed the rule but I think I could have token a better picture that showed the rule better.


    1. I didn't really follow the rule very well but you can notice that two subject are balanced.
    2. The subject isn't really clear it has a girl working and a boy working in front of her.
    3. Yes the subject is pretty clear of teenagers doing work in a classroom.
    4. I followed the rule but if I had zoomed it out it would have been better to have the picture balanced more.


    1. I followed the rule pretty well because it looks like a picture frame.
    2. The subject is pretty clear it shows a group of teenagers doing their work and discussing it.
    3. Yes the subject is clear because it is well centered and catches the viewers attention.
    4. I followed the rule pretty well.

    Avoiding Mergers

    1. I followed what the rule told us to do avoid mergers I cut the girl's face out .
    2. The subject is that a girl is doing her work but you can only see her cheek not her whole face.
    3. Yes the subject is clear to not cut thing off the picture because then it looks weird like if somethings suppose to be there.
    4.  I followed what the rule said not to do and that's what the teacher wanted to show a merger in order no to do it again.

    Thursday, October 11, 2012

    Africa & Mural Project Review

    I like how in these picture their not laying down and how the treat of the forest isn't always defending it but also playing around with other animals. The rule this picture is showing is framing because it looks like a frame and the subject is in the center like how it's suppose to be. 

    •  Medium Format Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses 
    •  To make a last testament to wild animal before there gone.
    • To make sure that these majestic animals don't disappear and bring some awareness to them.
    • " The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes." 

    1. The theme should be all the success the school and done and special or interesting events.
    2. I think we should use our phones and our cameras to see if people would actually notice the difference. 
    3. To put them all over campus so everyone can see them. 

    Friday, October 5, 2012

    Academic Shoot Preview

    Best Story 

    This picture tells the best picture because it shows how young people want to help the needed. I think in this picture the story is that the young people made a project to help the needed not necessarily the homeless but everyone who needs help. This is the best story because it is a good cause and has a happy ending. 

    Action & Emotion
    The action of this picture is how the girl is putting the ice in the water and the water jumps up and some ice falls to the ground. The emotion of this picture is the face expression of both of the girls how their happy, shocked, or surprised on what they just did.

    Most Interestion Stuff 

    This picture is the most interesting because it looks really cool how the whole class is participating in touching what's in the center. The center of the desk looks like water boiling or with steam. This is really interesting because you can't really tell what is going on in the picture but looks pretty cool. 

    1. I like the picture named "Walking on the Edge of the World" because  of how this picture is taken it looks like the kid is walking really high up near the sky. I picked this picture because the subject really caught my attention especially what he's doing. 
    2. This picture shows the rule Simplicity because its catching the subject only and doesn't have a distracting background and the viewer is only interested on the subject.

    1. I can take pictures like the ones I saw today in a science class when they do labs or experiments. 
    2. I would like to take pictures in any science class when there doing a lab to get  a good picture of their experiment. 
    3. I would follow some rules I learned about and have good focus and take pictures fast to try to capture every moment. 

    Wednesday, October 3, 2012

    Photo Shoot Reflection

    1. The challenges I faced with red, metal, and happy were to find metal things to take a picture of and to find people of things that were happy or reminded me of happy.
    2. I found myself thinking about focusing and framing each picture I took also on how I held the camera. I remembered how the teacher held the camera and how he showed us how to focus it and did it.
    3. I would pay more attention on how I take pictures and try to take them better than I did and use some of the basic rules. 
    4. I did held the camera the proper way and zoomed in correctly. 
    6. No, because I actually used some of the basic rules I just learned without even knowing it.

    Monday, October 1, 2012

    Extra Credit

    My reaction to this picture is shocking, how can a person be so calm when their falling off a building about to die. This man looks completely calm waiting to fall to the ground, and how his posture is with he's leg crossed and is really still and shoes are still on their usually suppose to be off because of the velocity. It looks like this man jumped off the building on purpose not because of the incident.

    Composition 9/11 The First 6 Rules Of Photography


    This is the first and probably the most important guideline which is simplicity. The center of interest is the most visual attention. A way to do this is to pick backgrounds that don't distract the viewer from your subject. 

    The Rule of Thirds

    The rule of thirds is very easy you have to take a picture of your subject and get two other things in the background to come out with the picture. Like in this picture the main idea is in the center it takes time to catch the viewers eye in the picture.  


    In this rule it is important to get lines in this subject because their important to this rule. In this picture you can see the subject in line formation exactly what the rule explains. 


    In this rule is to balance to subject's in a picture. Like in this picture it is the twin towers on fire falling down and the lady on the side you can see both subjects perfectly and what is happening.


    Framing is very important rule is to frame the center of the subject. For example in this picture the subject is centered in this picture to make it seem like if its really a frame. 

    Avoiding Mergers 

    Avoid Mergers is very important rule because it is when you only focus on the subject and be sure not to have anything in the way. Like in this picture the people at the bottom are a distraction to the incident that is happening above them. 

    Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    Unusual & Interesting Photos

    Part 1

    1. My reaction is that the picture he takes are unique and I've never seen then before but they also made me dizzy.
    2. I think he took multiple pictures sideways and cropped them together and made the pictures fade away
    3. I think a good building to take a picture like this is the eiffel tower. It is located in Paris, France. It is very big and well known in the world it will not be easy to access since its so far away. 

    Part 2

    1.  I picked this photo because I think it's good that even though this little girl doesn't have her own foot she is still able to stand up and walk like a normal little girl.
    2. Local Portrait & Personal
    3. Honorable Mention, Local Portrait & Personal
    4. How he took the picture at first I thought it was a barbie doll until I looked closely and saw it was a real foot.
    5. I think what is attracting the judges is the picture because it looks strange but then after you read the information you understand.
    6. I think he had to find a little girl without a leg and just take a picture of her feet only. 

    1. I picked this picture because it looked interesting at first I didn't understand what was going on until I read the information.
    2. Enterprise Picture Story (smaller markets)
    3.  1st Place, Enterprise Picture Story (smaller markets)
    4. He made it seem like the grandfather fell asleep taking care of he's granddaughter while she was playing with a cable.
    5. I think what caught the judges attention was the information not so much the picture.
    6. He had to take the picture in a different angle to get the picture to send a different message.

    1. I picked this picture because I like how the clouds are so close the the land.
    2. Environment (nature, wildlife) Picture Story
    3. 3rd Place Environment (nature, wildlife) Picture Story
    4.  He caught the clouds really close to the land before the storm started it looks really cool and looks like if you stand their you can touch the clouds.
    5. I think what caught the judges eye was how close the clouds are to the surface it looks like its fake but its real because it was token by a photographer.
    6. The photographer had to take the pictures from different angles to see were it looked better. 

    Part 3
    1. Never stop looking for the right angle to take a picture. 
        Photographers should always look out in the environment to see if it has to do with their subject.
    An example of your subject can mimic the environment.
    4. Yes the photographer took the suggestions fully because it looks very similar to the real one.
    5. Probably the center of the photo might have encouraged the artist to draw this flower.