Friday, October 19, 2012

Academic Shoot

  1. I followed the rule pretty well I'm focused on the subject and have a simply background.
  2. The subject is the person reading in a library.
  3. Yes the subject is pretty clear because it's the first thing you see and their isn't a distracted background.
  4. I followed the rule. 

The Rule of Thirds

  1. I didn't really follow the rule very well because you can't see very much of the background.
  2. The subject is four girls doing their work.
  3. The subject is pretty clear because that's all you can see and cannot really see the background.
  4. I didn't really follow the rule, I should have token the picture a little farther away to get the subject and two things in the background so it can be the rule of thirds.


  1. I followed it pretty well because my subject that has lines.
  2. The subject is the girls shirt with lines.
  3. The rule is pretty clear because the strips on the girl's shirt are very noticeable and the desk she is leaning on has some lines too.
  4. I followed the rule but I think I could have token a better picture that showed the rule better.


  1. I didn't really follow the rule very well but you can notice that two subject are balanced.
  2. The subject isn't really clear it has a girl working and a boy working in front of her.
  3. Yes the subject is pretty clear of teenagers doing work in a classroom.
  4. I followed the rule but if I had zoomed it out it would have been better to have the picture balanced more.


  1. I followed the rule pretty well because it looks like a picture frame.
  2. The subject is pretty clear it shows a group of teenagers doing their work and discussing it.
  3. Yes the subject is clear because it is well centered and catches the viewers attention.
  4. I followed the rule pretty well.

Avoiding Mergers

  1. I followed what the rule told us to do avoid mergers I cut the girl's face out .
  2. The subject is that a girl is doing her work but you can only see her cheek not her whole face.
  3. Yes the subject is clear to not cut thing off the picture because then it looks weird like if somethings suppose to be there.
  4.  I followed what the rule said not to do and that's what the teacher wanted to show a merger in order no to do it again.

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