Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Great Black & White Photographers Part 3

1.  Bill Brandt-  The first thing that caught my eye was how he decides to take pictures of neighborhoods and ordinary people in ordinary places and he's pictures are quit interesting like if their was a story behind it and that's why I picked this pictures. 

2.  Window in Osborn Street-    

  • I see a poor neighborhood and kids on the street hiding from something. I see the fear of young kids eyes and on how they walk. 
  • I smell the chimney's dust it throughs out and the fresh food out of the stores around the neighborhood. 
  • I hear the strong wind blowing pass my ears and the laugh of young children while they pass by me, guns shots that were shot far away.
  • I taste the dry dirt as it flies across me and taste the warm hot chocolate they give me as I walk around the neighborhood.
  • I feel very insecure and scared with what I'm surrounded with but yet feel so happy because of how happy the kids are even though their in danger.

Dylan Thomas- 

  • I see lots of people at a bar but one that looks very well and cleaned up with two beers on he's side and is very distracted.
    I smell alcohol all over the place but yet some very fresh colon from the young men walking into the bar.
    I hear lots of mens laugh and some glass clacking and breaking all around me but yet lots of laughs.
    I taste the nasty taste in the air that all around me its so disgusting but yet I keep tasting it.
    I feel unsafe with this alcoholics all around me I feel like there going to harm me or fight me.

    3. I would like to create posters and show he's great work and how unique his pictures are but yet their very well taken. If people really like he's  work we can probably make a blog about him.

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