Friday, October 5, 2012

Academic Shoot Preview

Best Story 

This picture tells the best picture because it shows how young people want to help the needed. I think in this picture the story is that the young people made a project to help the needed not necessarily the homeless but everyone who needs help. This is the best story because it is a good cause and has a happy ending. 

Action & Emotion
The action of this picture is how the girl is putting the ice in the water and the water jumps up and some ice falls to the ground. The emotion of this picture is the face expression of both of the girls how their happy, shocked, or surprised on what they just did.

Most Interestion Stuff 

This picture is the most interesting because it looks really cool how the whole class is participating in touching what's in the center. The center of the desk looks like water boiling or with steam. This is really interesting because you can't really tell what is going on in the picture but looks pretty cool. 

1. I like the picture named "Walking on the Edge of the World" because  of how this picture is taken it looks like the kid is walking really high up near the sky. I picked this picture because the subject really caught my attention especially what he's doing. 
2. This picture shows the rule Simplicity because its catching the subject only and doesn't have a distracting background and the viewer is only interested on the subject.

1. I can take pictures like the ones I saw today in a science class when they do labs or experiments. 
2. I would like to take pictures in any science class when there doing a lab to get  a good picture of their experiment. 
3. I would follow some rules I learned about and have good focus and take pictures fast to try to capture every moment. 

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