Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Unusual & Interesting Photos

Part 1

1. My reaction is that the picture he takes are unique and I've never seen then before but they also made me dizzy.
2. I think he took multiple pictures sideways and cropped them together and made the pictures fade away
3. I think a good building to take a picture like this is the eiffel tower. It is located in Paris, France. It is very big and well known in the world it will not be easy to access since its so far away. 

Part 2

1.  I picked this photo because I think it's good that even though this little girl doesn't have her own foot she is still able to stand up and walk like a normal little girl.
2. Local Portrait & Personal
3. Honorable Mention, Local Portrait & Personal
4. How he took the picture at first I thought it was a barbie doll until I looked closely and saw it was a real foot.
5. I think what is attracting the judges is the picture because it looks strange but then after you read the information you understand.
6. I think he had to find a little girl without a leg and just take a picture of her feet only. 

1. I picked this picture because it looked interesting at first I didn't understand what was going on until I read the information.
2. Enterprise Picture Story (smaller markets)
3.  1st Place, Enterprise Picture Story (smaller markets)
4. He made it seem like the grandfather fell asleep taking care of he's granddaughter while she was playing with a cable.
5. I think what caught the judges attention was the information not so much the picture.
6. He had to take the picture in a different angle to get the picture to send a different message.

1. I picked this picture because I like how the clouds are so close the the land.
2. Environment (nature, wildlife) Picture Story
3. 3rd Place Environment (nature, wildlife) Picture Story
4.  He caught the clouds really close to the land before the storm started it looks really cool and looks like if you stand their you can touch the clouds.
5. I think what caught the judges eye was how close the clouds are to the surface it looks like its fake but its real because it was token by a photographer.
6. The photographer had to take the pictures from different angles to see were it looked better. 

Part 3
1. Never stop looking for the right angle to take a picture. 
    Photographers should always look out in the environment to see if it has to do with their subject.
An example of your subject can mimic the environment.
4. Yes the photographer took the suggestions fully because it looks very similar to the real one.
5. Probably the center of the photo might have encouraged the artist to draw this flower. 

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