Friday, September 21, 2012

Photo Manipulation & Ethics

The story was about how April 1 is April Fools for us but in Israel its portrait day. One day when they took a picture of a cabin there was two men and a women but they cropped a man into the women to call it the male cabin. Ever since that day its been manipulating pictures in the Middle East. In America its a big deal manipulating pictures but in the Middle East their okay with that and famous photographers do that and publish the manipulated pictures. 

I think this type of photo editing is unethical because its a discrimination replacing a women with a man in the picture. I think its unfair and rude to take a picture with someone but when its published you don't see your self and you see they replaced you it must feel horrible. 


This picture is unethical because they made him look darker than how he truly is. they are trying to hide he's face in the second picture and they also changed the title. I think its very rude to change to skin color of a person. 

This picture is ethical because in the magazine NewsSeek they fixed her teeth to make her look better. I think its rude but its better because they got her to look good and not be judged by her teeth but I think it would have been better if they would have told her what they were going to do in the picture they took. Its not as bad as the others because they actually manipulated this picture for a good cause not to block someone or crop them out of the picture. 

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