Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Camera History and Information

1. The hole acts like the lens focusing and projecting its light onto the dark chamber.
2. The invention high quality lens invented by Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens was one step closer to the invention of the modern camera.
3. The first parts of a camera were glass lens, dark box, and film. 
4. A  modern digital camera is the same as the Niepce because they both have light that passes through the camera lens and exposes the film and its turns out to be a photography. 
5. A digital camera uses an electronic sensor called a CCD to capture an image. 
6. The Auto Mode is when the camera will completely control the flash and the exposure and the Program mode is automatic assist just point and shoot and unlike full auto mode you can control the flash and other settings. 
7. The portrait mode is used to attempt to blur out the background and the camera will try to use the fastest lens available and it is used by setting up your camera to portrait form. 
8. The sport is used to freeze motion and the camera will use the fastest lens to capture the picture and it is used when you set up your camera with sports. 
9. You should use a half press on the trigger button because it is faster camera response, more control over focus, and encourages better composition. 
10. The symbol means is disabled flash you may use it when you don't want the flash at all or the mood of the camera.
11. This symbol means is automatic for flash the camera will use it when it is needed for a picture.
12. If there is to much light the picture will be washed out.
13. If there isn't enough light the picture would be to dark.
14. A Stop is a relative change in the brightness of the light.
15. It will be one stop brighter if their were two sons.
16. It will be two stop brighter if there were four stops instead of two.
17. A longer shutter has more light.
18. A shorter shutter has less night.
19. The aperture is like the pupil of a camera before the light reach's the film it has to pass through the aperture.
20. When you adjust the aperture it has a larger openings you get more light. 

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