Wednesday, September 19, 2012

40 Greatest Photos

I picked this picture because I think it was so cute how there giving the little boy hes dad's flag and counting him as an important family member. 
I like how the photographer took this picture because of the angle of the camera it shows the emotion of the picture. 
This picture probably was in the top 40 photos ever because of the message the picture is showing its very sad and special moment for the little boy.
 I picked this picture because I love the little boys face expression and how he has a tear drop on the side of hes eye. 
I like how the photographer took this picture and caught the little boys exact expression and how it is only him in the picture not anyone else. 
I think this picture is the the top 40 photos ever because of the little boys face expression and the story behind this picture. 

I picked this picture because I think its so cute how the little boy knows what the marines are doing and is doing the same as them. 
I like how the photographer took this picture because of the angle its been taken in showing everything that's important about the picture.
I think this picture is in the top 40 photos ever because the little boy is saluting hes father like the other marines.

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