Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lytro Warm-Up & Ethics in Fashion Photography

Lytro Warm-Up

1. When i clicked on the image i saw that the part of the picture i clicked got clear but the background was into a blur.
2. They use multiple lens to make them 3D.
3. I think the photographer has to know the different rules of photography and how to use the lens.
4. Some pictures are worth money to the photographer if they know how to make use of them.

1. The eyes get bigger, shoulders get fixed, neck gets pulled up, lips get bigger, and face gets thinner.
2. No, because people should see the person how they actually look like not by editing it on the computer its like showing them someone different someone fake.
3. Yes it is its wrong changing a whole person's appearance.
4. Some changes that are okay are smudges and red eyes. The things that aren't okay are changing their whole face image like they did in the video.
5. Fashion Photography is the art of taking pictures and photojournalism is the practice of communicating news by photography.
6. They change up the picture and make it seem like they want it to be.

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