Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Unusual & Interesting Photos

Part 1

1. My reaction is that the picture he takes are unique and I've never seen then before but they also made me dizzy.
2. I think he took multiple pictures sideways and cropped them together and made the pictures fade away
3. I think a good building to take a picture like this is the eiffel tower. It is located in Paris, France. It is very big and well known in the world it will not be easy to access since its so far away. 

Part 2

1.  I picked this photo because I think it's good that even though this little girl doesn't have her own foot she is still able to stand up and walk like a normal little girl.
2. Local Portrait & Personal
3. Honorable Mention, Local Portrait & Personal
4. How he took the picture at first I thought it was a barbie doll until I looked closely and saw it was a real foot.
5. I think what is attracting the judges is the picture because it looks strange but then after you read the information you understand.
6. I think he had to find a little girl without a leg and just take a picture of her feet only. 

1. I picked this picture because it looked interesting at first I didn't understand what was going on until I read the information.
2. Enterprise Picture Story (smaller markets)
3.  1st Place, Enterprise Picture Story (smaller markets)
4. He made it seem like the grandfather fell asleep taking care of he's granddaughter while she was playing with a cable.
5. I think what caught the judges attention was the information not so much the picture.
6. He had to take the picture in a different angle to get the picture to send a different message.

1. I picked this picture because I like how the clouds are so close the the land.
2. Environment (nature, wildlife) Picture Story
3. 3rd Place Environment (nature, wildlife) Picture Story
4.  He caught the clouds really close to the land before the storm started it looks really cool and looks like if you stand their you can touch the clouds.
5. I think what caught the judges eye was how close the clouds are to the surface it looks like its fake but its real because it was token by a photographer.
6. The photographer had to take the pictures from different angles to see were it looked better. 

Part 3
1. Never stop looking for the right angle to take a picture. 
    Photographers should always look out in the environment to see if it has to do with their subject.
An example of your subject can mimic the environment.
4. Yes the photographer took the suggestions fully because it looks very similar to the real one.
5. Probably the center of the photo might have encouraged the artist to draw this flower. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Photo Manipulation & Ethics

The story was about how April 1 is April Fools for us but in Israel its portrait day. One day when they took a picture of a cabin there was two men and a women but they cropped a man into the women to call it the male cabin. Ever since that day its been manipulating pictures in the Middle East. In America its a big deal manipulating pictures but in the Middle East their okay with that and famous photographers do that and publish the manipulated pictures. 

I think this type of photo editing is unethical because its a discrimination replacing a women with a man in the picture. I think its unfair and rude to take a picture with someone but when its published you don't see your self and you see they replaced you it must feel horrible. 


This picture is unethical because they made him look darker than how he truly is. they are trying to hide he's face in the second picture and they also changed the title. I think its very rude to change to skin color of a person. 

This picture is ethical because in the magazine NewsSeek they fixed her teeth to make her look better. I think its rude but its better because they got her to look good and not be judged by her teeth but I think it would have been better if they would have told her what they were going to do in the picture they took. Its not as bad as the others because they actually manipulated this picture for a good cause not to block someone or crop them out of the picture. 

National Geographic Warm-Up

This is my favorite picture because i like how they captured a volcano erupting turing into a  volcano. Also there's lightning and its red and looks like fire this picture just looks unreal. I like how the photographer got this picture just in time to capture the moment of a volcano's lava inside a tornado. 

The picture I would like to take is a picture at the beach with a huge wave coming forming a tsunami and the people face expression as the wave gets closer. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Touching People

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?
I think this is a pretty weird and strange project to do but the people in the picture don't make it seem like their strangers.
2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?
I would say sure because it must be pretty fun and would like to help the person with their project.
3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
I would plan on taking pictures of people making funny faces and walking weird say hi to people and take pictures of the people reactions.
4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, are the photos good? Do you like looking at them?
I think this pictures are pretty good and are taken in a good angle and position and yes, I did like looking the pictures they all had different expressions and were kind of funny.

40 Greatest Photos

I picked this picture because I think it was so cute how there giving the little boy hes dad's flag and counting him as an important family member. 
I like how the photographer took this picture because of the angle of the camera it shows the emotion of the picture. 
This picture probably was in the top 40 photos ever because of the message the picture is showing its very sad and special moment for the little boy.
 I picked this picture because I love the little boys face expression and how he has a tear drop on the side of hes eye. 
I like how the photographer took this picture and caught the little boys exact expression and how it is only him in the picture not anyone else. 
I think this picture is the the top 40 photos ever because of the little boys face expression and the story behind this picture. 

I picked this picture because I think its so cute how the little boy knows what the marines are doing and is doing the same as them. 
I like how the photographer took this picture because of the angle its been taken in showing everything that's important about the picture.
I think this picture is in the top 40 photos ever because the little boy is saluting hes father like the other marines.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

  name, birth (and maybe death) dates, origin of birth, education, jobs, books published, etc.
He's name is Bill Brandt he was born on May 2, 1904 died December 20, 1983. He was born in Hamburg, Germany but moved to England were he was known for hes high contrast images. Brandt went to war and shortly after war he got tuberculosis and spent most of his youth in sanatoriums. He traveled to Vienna to take a treatment for tuberculosis. Brandt most famous book was Literary Britain published 1951and Perspective of Nudes published in 1961. Brandt became the most influential and internationally admired photographer of the 20th century. 

Red, Metal, Happy

In this picture I managed to do simplicity I focused on the subject and didn't have a distraction background.  

In this picture I managed to use the Lines rule because in the subject is to take a picture of something metal and I did and it have the composition lines.

In this picture I think i managed to use framing because I caught my subject in the center within a framing position.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Camera History and Information

1. The hole acts like the lens focusing and projecting its light onto the dark chamber.
2. The invention high quality lens invented by Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens was one step closer to the invention of the modern camera.
3. The first parts of a camera were glass lens, dark box, and film. 
4. A  modern digital camera is the same as the Niepce because they both have light that passes through the camera lens and exposes the film and its turns out to be a photography. 
5. A digital camera uses an electronic sensor called a CCD to capture an image. 
6. The Auto Mode is when the camera will completely control the flash and the exposure and the Program mode is automatic assist just point and shoot and unlike full auto mode you can control the flash and other settings. 
7. The portrait mode is used to attempt to blur out the background and the camera will try to use the fastest lens available and it is used by setting up your camera to portrait form. 
8. The sport is used to freeze motion and the camera will use the fastest lens to capture the picture and it is used when you set up your camera with sports. 
9. You should use a half press on the trigger button because it is faster camera response, more control over focus, and encourages better composition. 
10. The symbol means is disabled flash you may use it when you don't want the flash at all or the mood of the camera.
11. This symbol means is automatic for flash the camera will use it when it is needed for a picture.
12. If there is to much light the picture will be washed out.
13. If there isn't enough light the picture would be to dark.
14. A Stop is a relative change in the brightness of the light.
15. It will be one stop brighter if their were two sons.
16. It will be two stop brighter if there were four stops instead of two.
17. A longer shutter has more light.
18. A shorter shutter has less night.
19. The aperture is like the pupil of a camera before the light reach's the film it has to pass through the aperture.
20. When you adjust the aperture it has a larger openings you get more light. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Camera

Aperture: a hole or an opening were light travels.
a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time.
Exposure: the amount of light that enters during a time period.
Depth of Field: distance between the nearest and the farthest objects in a scene.
F-Stop: a ratio of the lens focal length to the beginning of the entrance.
Focal Length: is an optical system that measures how strongly the system converges the light.

Box Camera: Has a reflex viewfinder mounted on the top of the camera and has no focus control.
Image Sensor: A device that turns an optical image to an electrical signal.
Fixed Focus: The focus is not adjustable, the focus is set at a time in manufacture.
Plenoptic Camera: Is a camera that uses a microlens arrays to capture 4D light field.

Canon Rebel T3

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Great Black and White Photographers

Bill Brandt

Manuel Alvarez Bravo 
Yousuf Karsh

My first photos

 This is my best picture because I have her looking at the camera. Even though its not really good in focus I like the color and the angle of the picture. I also like that it isn't blurry and is good in zoom.

This is my worst picture because she isn't facing the camera. Also I don't like how zoomed in it is I would have liked if it was even more zoomed in. I also dislike that i got the speaker in the picture I would have like just to get the model.