Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Front Pages of World

What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? 
My favorite newspaper front page is in Europe, mostly because they have more pictures to look at an catch's your attention more and has little descriptions on each side of the pictures.

What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? 
My favorite headline is Gripna I Kaoset I Natt, this because of the picture that interests me their is lots of fire and lots of ambulance and I am curious of what happened and what that title means. 

How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? 
Their 5 stories in the front cover and my favorite is Gripna I Kaoset I Natt.

What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc.
They all have very big pictures and some sort of disaster is happening either involving someone or many places. There isn't lots of text in the cover pages and they all have sort of the same design/format of newspaper. 

What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc.
Some front pages have lots of text and only 2 or 3 pictures only, they have different formats of newspaper mostly involving texts. The headlines are same don't really catch much of the viewers attention like the others do. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Student of the Month

Student of the Month

  1. What's your name? Robert
  2. What sports are in interested in? Soccer
  3. What academy are you in? Stem
  4. What is your favorite subject? Why? Math because its easy
  5. Have you helped your school in any way? When? Volunteers after school 
  6. Do you help your peers? Yes, tutoring
  7. What do you do on your free time? Play soccer
  8. Do you enjoy helping others? Why? Yes, because it feels good 
  9. Are you involved in any activities? Which ones? No
  10. How are your grades? Good
  11. Do get alone well with others? If not why? Yes
  12. Do you plan on going to college? Which one? Yes, Texas State
  13. Do you have a job? No
  14. Is being student of the month important? Yes
  15. Did you expect being student of the month? Why? No, because nobody compliments him 
  16. Is school your main priority? Yes 
  17. Do you come to school everyday? Yes
  18. Do you participate well in classes? Yes 
  19. What grade are you in? 11th 
  20. How do you feel being student of the month? Feels proud 

School Uniforms Interview Questions & Answers

Topic: School Uniforms


  • Several students from different grade levels, faculty, and a volunteer from the school for several years.
  1. How do you feel about school uniforms?
  2. Would be comfortable wearing them all day? Why?
  3. Do you think it will affect your learning some way?
  4. Who would you go talk to about this situation if you disagree?
  5. Would this make you focus more in school? Why?
  6. If you had a school uniform would you put your special touch to it?
  7. Do your classmates think the same way as you?
  8. Would you think of a better uniform for the school? How will it be?
  9. How would you stop getting uniforms, if you're against it?
  10. Would you ever consider moving school's if you get a uniform?
  11. Would you obey the school uniform? Why?
  12. Will your parents interfere with the decision of the school? Why?
  13.  How will a uniform help out the school?
  14.  How did this idea come up? Who suggested it?
  15. Will this prevent problems? Why or Why not?
  16. Would each grade levels uniform be different? Why?
  17. When would this policy be enforced?
  18. Would you ask for any opinions to come up with a uniform?
  19. Who will be in charge of making up the uniform?
  20. What will be the consequences if students don't obey the uniform?