Thursday, February 7, 2013

Five Websites

Lens Flare

  • In this website I looked at several pictures they all had a flare in some part of the picture. Mostly every picture has a very bright background that makes the subject of the picture stand out. There is some pictures that are dark but still have some what of flare in it and still makes the subject of the picture stand out. 
  • I learned that even if your background is dark you can still get a flare and a good picture of the subject you wanted to see and still be clear even if its dark. 
  • I picked this picture because I like how the buildings has a flare from both sides and how everything is so bright with a lot of lights.
  • I see the rule lines, framing, rule of thirds, balance, and background. 
  • Paul (Dex) took this picture. 
B&W Landscapes 

  • The pictures I saw in this website are very interesting they're all outside in some sort of storm of different types of weather. All of this images are black and white but they still show the main subject of the picture and manage to grab your attention. Each picture also is in a different landscape like a desert, rain forest, or mountains. 
  • I learned that you can get really good pictures even if the weather is horrible or if its raining or snowing you can still mange to get a pretty good picture. 
  • I picked this picture because it grabbed my attention on how the person can get a view of the mountains with a pattern of the fog.
  • I see the rules framing, background, and viewpoints.
  • Joe Azure took this picture. 
Image Stacking

  • This website didn't really have a lot of pictures but this one was the one that caught my attention the most. While looking at this website i concentrated on the details of each picture. 
  • I never knew that a picture can look like the water has lines threw it since when water flows done it goes by really fast.
  • I picked this picture because of how the water looks like and how the water looks like it has stripes.
  • This picture has the rules lines and framing.
  • Doesn't say

  • On this website their were pictures of storms or clouds that looked like a storm was about to happen. While looking at these pictures I concentrated on the one's i would have liked to take.
  • I learned that you can get a picture of clouds touching hills.
  • I picked this picture because I've never seen a picture like this with clouds touching the hills it looks really pretty.
  • The rules I see are framing, background and balance.
  • Axel Kuhlmann 


  • The website i was one was all about storms and how they look during or before a store. When I was looking at these pictures i was looking for ones that look ironic or impossible.
  • I learned that you can get a picture of a storm and clouds at the same time in the same picture.
  • I picked this picture because I thought this could never happen be raining on one side and in the other its sunny and seeing it in picture looks pretty amazing.
  • The rules i see are framing, background, and rule of thirds.
  • Michael King


Self Portrait

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Magazine Part II

Cover Types
Early Magazine Cover: The attributes in the early magazine covers include old fashion hand writing and old looking paper. Pictures from the topic you're talking about and even maybe stains on the cover of the magazine to make it look like its old. Also may include logos they had or advertisements that were used back then.
Poster Cover: For the poster cover pictures the only thing included is the title and a picture. This is known as the pictures with no words just a picture illustrating mainly what the magazine is about. Although some might have little captions around the pictures but the picture is more noticeable.
Pictures Married to Type: This pictures reason is to combine to subjects and make them to have a relationship in some sort of way like music and politics together. To do this they put little comments off to the side but with different subjects and then add a lady in the background that has something to do with the subjects.
In the Forest of Words: This pictures include a picture of two people and vivid colors. In this types of covers are many captions or little summarize on the side and a portrait of one or two people to be in it. The intention of this cover is to have something pop out and catch the readers' eye to get that magazine and read it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Best Covers

1. Formal
2.  Environmental
3. Formal
4. Environmental
5.  Informal
6.  Informal
7.  Informal
8. Formal
9. Informal
10. Formal
11. Formal
12. Formal
13. Formal
14. Environmental
15. Environmental
16. Formal
17. Formal

My Favorite
For W's biggest fashion issue of the year, the magazine celebrated the ways women today transform themselves by showcasing actress Kristen Stewart as readers had never seen her before. Photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot transformed the 21-year-old cover model from the Twilight teenager that audiences know best into the glamorous, grown-up vixen she's becoming. "Vampires are a little dangerous—and we girls like to test ourselves," Stewart says playfully on the cover, tempting readers to pick up the issue and see for 


Magazine Tips

1. What your picture shows and how you show it

2. Leave picture alone

3. Experiment with it 

4. Know your audience

5. Image Appeal 

Photoshop Notes


Nestle- tools are stacked on each other- you access those tools you have to left click and hold.

Use Command Keys

Command + = zoom in
Command - = zoom out
Command o = open
Command c = copy
Command v = paste
****Command z = step back
Command s = save
 Command p = print

To turn an image go to
>Image>Image Rotation
CW and CCW
CW= clockwise
CCW – counter – clockwise
180= ½ rotation

Channel Blue
Channel Green
Channel Red
Moved just the black and white hersheys kiss
Channel RGB – moved just the brown hersheys (just a little lighter)


Rename your image make sure the image is saved as a .jpg at the highest (maximum) image quality

Always crop to 300
Resolution – for now do not crop selectively – crop the entire image

SAVE – you do not have to rename the image at this point. Save the often and regularly.

Close the image. 

triangle, green, backpack adjs